> >>> >>> > >
List DKK.L8.7 - Dakin; Gotz (Goetz) Artists; Sasha, Sylvia Natterer, Elisabeth Lindner; Sissel Skille; Hildeguarde Gunzel


2689 N. Galley Street - (email:DKKDOLLS@aol.com)

Orange, CA. 92865 - 714-974-3779 (Phone) & 714-974-0375 (FAX) -

Vol. VIII, List 8.7, September-December 31, 2008 - Last Updated 11/11/2009

*Dolls on sale at temporarily reduced prices.

No no. after item means there is only one (1) item

SELL, RESTORE MOST PRICES GOOD THROUGH December 30, 2008 unless stated otherwise

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Contents of this list has moved; click to go there>: http://www.dkkdolls.com/store/ - To Donna's Korner Kollectibles Store Secure Ecommerce Site which is open; it has replaced these lists; new merchandise is added to that listing and no longer to this one. It has over 1,500 listings with pictures and shopping cart, and easy navation in the lefthand column.

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•=recently discontinued dolls; BK=Bend Knee; MIB=Mint in Box; NRFB=never removed from box; *=on sale until -12/31/08 unless a different date is given; l.e.=limited edition; HP= hard plastic or hard vinyl; VG=very good condition (not perfect, slight flaws ); NB=no box; NT=no tag; w/=with, w/o=without; discont'd=discontinued. No. no. after an item means theres 1 only; otherwise go by no. in ( ).

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http://www.dkkdolls.com/store/ - To Donna's Korner Kollectibles Store Secure Ecommerce Site which is open and gradually gaining listings; it will eventually replace these lists

http://dkkdolls.com/store/m.alexander.html- To go to Madame Alexander Dolls, Accessories, Paper Dolls

http://dkkdolls.com/store/betsymccall.html - To go to all Tonner, Effanbee, and earlier Betsy McCall dolls, friends, and accessories.

http://dkkdolls.com/store/voguedollpage.html - Ginny, Just Me, and Other Vogue Dolls and Accessories.

http://dkkdolls.com/store/kish.html - Helen Kish Dolls and Accessories.

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The offerings at Donna's Korner Kollectbles Store at Ebay which are ending soonest are shown here, but there are many more, click to go to either site or one of auctions and use back arrow to return:>

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